Panda Lake in Jiuzhaigou
by Jack


Jiuzhaigou is worth putting into your bucket list. Among the various attractions in Jiuzhaigou, the Panda Lake is the only spot where you may encounter the lovely pandas.

Overview of Jiuzhaigou Panda Lake
Panda Sea in Jiuzhaigou

Panda Lake is located in Sichuan Jiuzhaigou, with an elevation of 2587 meters, 14 meters deep, covering an area of 90000 square meters. The pandas always hang out here, hence the name. The lake features strange rock texture, reflected by the lake, and complimented with the white stone, forming a few ring patterns of rounded black just like pandas. Panda Lake is not far from the Jian Zhu Lake. Giant pandas are regarded as auspicious creature and favorite of the locals. Jiuzhaigou giant pandas like hanging out here, wandering around, drinking, looking for food. Panda Lake is well known for its water clarity and clear reflection. Especially in the sunny days, the blue sky, wooded hills and clouds are reflected in the water, creating a blurred picture. Upon the arrival of winter, the water is still glittering, full of vitality. This strange landscape is filled with numerous mysteries. Interestingly, there is a white stone in the Hai Zi, with natural black stripes, looking like a simple and honest Panda: in winter, not fully frozen ice has many black, black and white colors just like the panda skin.

Panda Waterfall
Panda Sea in Jiuzhaigou

With an altitude of 2592 meters, 78 meters high, 50 meters wide, Panda Waterfall is cascading down the hill. The viewing platform of Panda Lake, along a steep gradient in the stack, can be seen on the right side, and there is a crystal clear straight flow - in the middle of this flow stands a rock and stone cliff cut into several segments. The waterfalls are very spectacular. Midwinter season, they form a beautiful crystal world. The waterfall features a more gentle slope of the path down the cliff along the stream, built for visitors to enjoy the scenery of the mountain torrent, comparative and intense. The path along the cliff is perfect for viewing the rustic style pavilions.

To sum it up, the Panda Lake is not to be missed while visiting Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area. A visit will give you an essential experience and a lot of fun!

Post in : Travel in China , China Tourist Attractions , Jiuzhaigou ,
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