Skillful Designing Dress about Terracotta Warriors
by Rose


As the world wonder, Xian Terracotta Warriors have attracted loads of attention in the tourists and researchers. Different appearance, actions, dressing styles and the positions all seemed to tell you a series of mysteries. Now, we would have a deep exploration about the dress.

Formal Dressing Style of Qin Officer
Terracotta Warriors

Earlier in Chinese ancient war time, according to the dressing style, people would stand the position and their status. The ranks of officers could be recognized by their dressings. For example, the general in the war time wears a dual long jacket, a dark purple crest hat, a long pant with square opening tipping and uniform head, and covered with a colorful armor, looking grand and awe-inspiring. Terracotta Warriors generals here are dressing like this. Compared to the general officer, the middle officer has two kinds of dressings. The first kind contained a long jacket, a thigh protector, a boots with square opening tipping head, chest plate trimmed with colorful lace and a double long hat. During that period, their hat is not same as modern. You could stand that the thigh protector is a must for them. Then, the junior officer dressed will be simple, because they would fight against the enemy in the war, light dressing should be taken!

Unique Dressing Style in the Soldier
Terracotta Warriors

Compared with the general dressing, soldiers dressed will be simple. During the war time, soldiers are the main actors fighting in the head. There are three kinds of dressing styles in them. The first is the soldiers dressed a long jacket, a pair of shorts and a pair of shallow shoes and combed a tight roll of hair at the right side of the head, assembled with leggings and has armor on the back. The second dressing style and the third are similar to the first. The armor is very important for them. The drivers of chariots dressed in two ways. Each of them has certain position and status. It is very easy to understand. Modern times, the soldiers also dress different clothes.

In this large scale, each historical print will be marked here. The mystery of Xian endowed to Terracotta Warriors. It stored much information waiting for your curiosity and research!

Post in : Travel in China , China Tourist Attractions , Terra Cotta Warriors ,
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